Why A Narcissist Makes You Feel Bad About Feeling Good

4 min readMay 27, 2022

Do you ever have a pang of guilt when you are in the middle of something fun?

Have you ever felt your heart suddenly race in panic just after you realized that you were enjoying yourself?

When this happened to you did you wonder: Where did that come from? Or did you start thinking about the bad things that could happen?

If you have/had a narcissistic parent or partner it is very extremely likely that you experienced this mood busting grenade in the middle of something good. This is because the narcissist installed a trigger in your brain that activates whenever you are experiencing something good that does not involve or center on them. Actually the bad feeling in the middle of a good situation can happen when the narcissist is present. In this case the trigger is usually activated by the narcissist with a comment, an expression or body language.

Having had a narcissistic mother and ex-husband I have had a lot of years and opportunities to study this phenomenon.

Here are a few of my own experiences that might jog your memory and help you determine if you have ever had this mood flip happen:

· When I was a child, I occasionally spent the night at my grandmother’s or aunt’s house (mother and sister to my mother). Almost every…




Written by JanetChristy

Narcissistic Abuse survivor writing to heal and help other victims. My Medium articles are available in eBooks at janetchristy.gumroad.com.

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