Narcissists Constantly Test You and Set You Up To Fail

4 min readJun 24, 2024

My old narcissists invaded my dreams again last night; this time with a dream about trying to prepare for a test I was sure I would fail.

Image by eslfuntaiwan from Pixabay

I know that our brains are wired to work on difficult things in our dreams. But it really irritates me that my sleep is so disrupted by my subconscious effort to deal with the aftermath of my abuse at the hands of narcissists.

Last night I had a version of a dream that is fairly common for me. Once again I was anticipating an important pending test and I kept confronting obstacles. This time it seems that the test was a written one. Other times the test has been:

· To save someone or help them in some way.

· To get to some place.

· To complete an important task.

· To solve a seemingly unsolvable problem.

In my dream last night as I was trying to prepare for the pending written test the following difficulties kept happening:

· At several points I could not find the notes I needed to study. Once someone purposely hid them from me.

· People kept interrupting me when I was studying.

· People needed for me to do something and convinced me that it was more important than my studying or anything…




Writer, observer, narcissistic abuse survivor and a traditionalist thwarted by an internal rebel. Using my experiences to entertain, help and challenge others.